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Sign Up  for Homeowner Insurance Workshop
September 28, 2024, 10am to Noon
at Crest Forest Seniors Leisure Shores Clubhouse,
24658 San Moritz Drive, Crestline

Space is limited, REGISTRATION is required



What will be covered?
General Property Insurance Issues
·    Standard Market Insurance, Surplus-line, and California Fair Plan.
·    The danger of being underinsured and overinsured.  What is the blue-print of your insurance policy: Actual Cash Value versus Replacement Cost?
·    Additional Interest vs. Additional Insured - What happens when there's a claim when legal vesting entities are not properly listed or omitted on insurance policy (i.e. trust, LLC, and/or individuals)?
· 'Real' versus 'Personal' property - Why insurance carriers deny homeowner insurance claim or under-pay in the event of Claims? Insurance policy type: HO5, HO3, HO6, HO4, DP1, DP3.
·    Properties: Seasonal, Primary, Probate property, Vacant, Rental,
Commercial/Business, and Vacant land.
•    General Liability and Personal Injury Liability - What can happen?
•    Deductibles: Declaration exclusions of 'perils' and co-insurance clause - what you don't know can hurt you?
•    Residential workers compensation, in-home and/or outside employee.
•    Additional living expenses and Loss of rent
•    What types of endorsements or add-ons might be useful?
•    Are you prepared when it comes to property insurance claim?

Other issues and resources to be addressed:
•    Firewise Community designation - discounts
•    Fire Risk Reduction Communities - discounts
•    Fire safe councils
•    Grant programs for fuel reduction

Please register me for the
Homeowners' Insurance Workshop on September 28, 2024 10am to Noon,
Leisure Shores Crestline

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