FIRE SEASON is no longer a "season". In our area we must be fire safe all year long. The recent fires raging in northern California are harsh reminders that one never knows when wildfire will hit.
Long before fire threatens, plan your evacuation.
When evacuation seems likely, put your plan into action.
Make a list of items you want to take with you during an evacuation.
Here’s an example, but prepare your own list:
Have a flashlight and portable battery operated radio on hand at all times
Prescriptions / medications
Important documents (birth certificates, passports, insurance papers & inventory), personal financial records (phone & address books, tax records, computer back up drives, school, vaccination records), photos, art.
Pet, pet food, leash, carrier
Child’s favorite toy
Keep your “Important Stuff” list handy, on the fridge, for example.
Keep sturdy boxes ready for collecting things on your list.
Prepare an emergency supply kit (see below).
Have a corded phone in the house. Cordless home phones do not work when the power is out.
Copy all important documents and store with a friend or family out of the area.
Keep a regular/paper address book in addition to what may be stored in your computer or cell phone as this equipment may not work if power is out or towers are down.
During fire season, always have at least half a tank of gas in your car. Gas stations may not operate if power goes out. And you may not be able to evacuate by the shortest route out of your area.
Support Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council

Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council earned the 2025 Platinum Seal of Transparency, the highest level of recognition offered by Candid (formerly GuideStar).
By sharing metrics that highlight progress MRFSC is making toward its mission, the organization is helping donors move beyond simplistic ways of nonprofit evaluation such as overhead ratios. "In accordance with our long-held belief in being transparent about our work,” said Laura Dyberg president, “we are excited to convey our organization’s results in a user-friendly and highly visual manner. By updating our Candid Nonprofit Profile to the Platinum level, we can now easily share a wealth of up-to-date organizational metrics with our supporters as well as Candid's immense online audience, which includes donors, grantmakers, our peers, and the media. "To reach the Platinum level, MRFSC added extensive information to its Nonprofit Profile on Candid: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; qualitative information about goals, strategies, and capabilities; and quantitative information about results and progress toward its mission. By taking the time to provide this information, MRFSC has demonstrated its commitment to transparency and to giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate nonprofit performance.
MRFSC has been very fortunate in recent years to have been awarded numerous grants to help the community reduce its wildfire threats and create defensible space. Unfortunately, most grants do not cover basic operating expenses like websites, insurance, and office supplies. If you are considering supporting MRFSC with a donation, here are some options. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Effective January 20, 2023 Amazon is no longer offering AmazonSmile. Thanks to everyone who used this as a way to support MRFSC over the years!
Another way to support the Mountain Rim Fire Safe Council!
If you choose to use PayPal, or want to use a credit or debit card via PayPal, click on the link below.
All donations are tax deductible!
And if you prefer not to use online sources, you can always mail a check to
MRFSC, PO Box 2582, Running Springs, CA 92382